Tuesday, June 14, 2011

19 Weeks

Sorry, no picture this week. Too much going on with the move to find the purple shirt! Maybe once we get settled I'll look for it and have a belated picture for you.

How Far Along: 19 weeks

Size of Baby: 6 inches, head to bottom. Size of a large heirloom tomato.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 6 pounds? Another weigh in next week. I'm guessing I'm up to at least a 10 lb. weight gain.

Maternity Clothes:  Still not yet. BUT I also didn't try to get into any of my jeans this week. This bump definitely made an appearance in what seems like the last day though!

Movement: Yes! Baby R is moving around as I type this.

Symptoms: Feeling even better this week. I no longer want to go to bed at 3 and really feel pretty normal. Hopefully all this energy lasts through the move!

What I Miss: Vegetables. This has nothing to do with pregnancy and everything to do with moving. With pretty much everything packed up cooking has gone out the window. I am on a mission for a big bowl of green leafys!

Girl or Boy: Check back soon...we found out Friday.

Belly button In or Out: Innie

Stretch Marks: Nope. 

Cravings:Cheesecake Factory. I had a weird hankering for this (albeit after the gym so I was probably just hungry), a BLT, and a hot dog this week. Maybe meat and I can finally be friends again?

Best Moment This Week: For sure feeling the baby move. It is pretty evident when Baby R starts dancing around...has dad's dance moves for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear what you're having!! Isn't feeling the babe the best?? I'm through the kicks and punches and now have the "wave" sensation that everyone talks about. It's pretty interesting, to say the least! Good luck with the move!
