Tuesday, June 28, 2011

21 weeks and kung fu fighting!

How Far Along: 21 weeks. 

Size of Baby: 10.5 oz. and the length of a carrot.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 8.5 lbs to date. My goal was to be 10 or under so I am right on track.

Maternity Clothes:  Still the greatest things ever. Post baby they are going to get another life as, in the words of Joey Tribbiani, Thanksgiving Pants!

Movement: My oh my, yes. This baby is Kung Fu Fighting. I thought his femurs looked extra strong on that ultrasound. 

Symptoms: Still feeling great. The only teeny symptom I have is getting sore standing. I thought it was just all the moving, painting, packing, etc... but I was at a BBQ this weekend and just standing around chatting made the ole back and legs hurt. By 9 months I am going to need a wheelchair at this rate!

What I Miss: I should really just leave this as a permanent answer of sushi & wine.

Girl or Boy: Boy. Stay tuned for a nursery sneak peak tomorrow.

Belly button In or Out: Innie

Stretch Marks: Nope. 

Cravings: Nope. Still not into red meat though. Someone was clearly BBQing a steak on our street this weekend and it almost sent me running to the bathroom. Poor Scott is desperate for some "man meat"!

Best Moment This Week: Feeling baby R kick. Already heard this one? Well this time I could feel it from the outside! That's right, our little dancing machine is now strong enough to be felt by Scott. A very exciting development indeed.
21 weeks. growing little boy!

1 comment:

  1. We are so so happy for you and Scott. A baby boy...and one that can be felt from the outside. SO SO exciting! Those kicks are the best part. Just wait...they get better and better. I can't believe how tiny you still are. You'll randomly just pop one day :) YAY for you guys! Congrats!
