Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Oh, February

That is far too short of a month to be expected to blog, right?  I don't even think that makes sense but I kind of feel like February is a pretend month with its measly 28 days so I don't think I should be punished for not blogging.

So, in true Stephanie fashion we will have a photo update.  We were actually really busy in February:

  • We went to Napa (shocker, I know)!
  • Arnold continued on the road to recovery
  • Lola is as cute and snuggly as ever
  • We had a wonderful dinner with family
  • The Berry Family came for a visit (and apparently my camera was lost all weekend?
  • Robin turned 30 and we had a very special celebration!
  • Kyle had a birthday and we celebrated with Led Zeppagain (well, Scott and everyone else did, I enjoyed the sushi and headed home to nurse a cold)
  • I got sick...again.  I am 100% anti flu shot.  I have been sick more this winter and it is the first (and only) time I got the flu shot.
  • We had great date nights, worked on sprucing up the house (the couch arrived!), and just enjoyed our life!
  • Scott did a Bar Method class.  Maybe the most entertaining Saturday of the month. :-)
Super Bowl Cookies!

"Scott & Steph Day" Flowers (in place of Valentine's Day)

There are no words for how good these are.  Banana Bread Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting.  I have been letting bananas go bad on purpose ever since the first batch!

Neil taught us how to start a fire @ Kristina & Jeremy's.

Kristine's famous Caesar Salad!

Jeremy playing some music for us.


Date day in Napa.

At Hillstone (Houston's) after Bar Method.  Sometimes I actually do like the weather in SF!

I was there too!

Robin's birthday was at Asia SF.  Their claim to fame is their "Gender Illusionists".  It is definitely an experience!

Some of the entertainment.

Me and the birthday girl

Ok, hopefully we can get back on track with weekly updates now.  Stay tuned!

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