Thursday, October 23, 2014

Cooper: 5 months

Love this face!
Height & Weight
Height: 26"
Weight: 16.6 lbs.

(He is the same height as Noah at this age but has two pounds on our first born!!)

Love wearing this little guy when we are out and about!
Eating - Cooper loves food. Like seriously, there is not enough milk in the world for my boy. I am 99% sure that my milk supply is going down so we are supplementing a lot of his feedings during the day with a little extra breastmilk in a bottle if he still acts hungry. This usually adds up to about 6oz. of bottle milk each day on top of a handful of nursing sessions. Before bed he GOBBLES 8oz. of formula. It is rare that he will turn down a bottle! 
Smiles all the time!
Solids are another story. We have tried oatmeal and pears and he pretty much acts horrified the entire time I try to feed him. He turns his head away from the spoon every single time! I am sure that if we offered him solids every single day he would probably start to get used to it but we aren't very consistent (poor second baby) so it will likely take longer. I'm not feeling any pressure or concern and know that we'll get there in time!
Seriously, mom?! Where's the bottle?
Sleeping (naps) - Progress! I made a commitment to get serious about this while Scott was out of town and I had my mom here to stay with him for all naps and it was like he knew and just magically started taking hour long naps in his bed! No crying, just did it. I think being able to sleep on his belly made a big difference here. 
We'll still cheat and have some snuggles from time to time. That face is too precious!

Sleeping (night) - We're getting there! Since our return from vacation we have settled back into a nice routine of one wake up a night (he sometimes tries to get up at 3 but a paci and some back rubs and he'll go back to sleep until 4/4:30). With his aforementioned monster daytime appetite he absolutely does not need to eat in the middle of the night! When he nurses it is for about 1 minute before he starts popping on and off and after putting his paci in he goes to back to sleep. We just need to get tough and do a few nights of crying and we will officially have two boys who sleep through the night! I kind of can't wait. Monitors are hooked up, just need to commit. Hopefully by our six month update there will be a lot of great sleep to report.
Happy boy waking up!
Clothing - We are solidly in six month clothes and even some 6-9. He is also already in size 3 diapers (Noah wears a 4!)!! I mentioned his noggin in my last post, but he is wearing hats meant for 1.5-2.5 year olds!
Thank goodness he fit into his Cardinals onesie! Unfortunately it didn't bring us enough luck though :-(.
New this Month - Rolling over from back to front. He discovered this shortly after our return from Tahoe and has not stopped since. He made his first roll in the middle of the night and definitely surprised himself (and me when I went to get him out and found him on his belly). BUT, it only took him about one night to realize that is his preferred sleeping position. He immediately flips to his belly and seems to be sleeping much more soundly than before. It is also fun to watch him roll around while he plays and pop his little head up to say hello! He gets a bit frustrated whenever he rolls to far and finds himself against a piece of furniture though ;-).
I left him on his mat with the closet door closed (he likes to look at himself in the mirror). I went and switched the laundry and came back to find him like this. Rolling and apparently opening closets now!
Cooper Likes - People. Toys are fairly interesting, but he loves nothing more than to have people talk to him. He also adores Noah! One thing we have mastered this month is the ring sling. We love it. Coop rides along happily and has even zonked out on a number of occasions!
Snuggled in his sling at Kristina & Nick's wedding.
These two...not really enough words for how they fill my heart.
Cooper Dislikes - Being hungry. This is really the only thing that makes him upset! He is the happiest baby ever!
This is the face he makes when he is hungry. He starts sucking his bottom lip as a subtle indication that a meltdown is coming if he isn't fed soon!
**I swear Scott still exists! Not sure why we didn't get any pictures of him with Coop this month but I plan to rectify that in the coming weeks!

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