Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Corn (on the cob) Retchless: Week 24

Size of Baby: 13.5 inches and 1.5 lbs.

Workouts: Not to make excuses, but this week we traveled so I wasn't able to get in quite as many as I would have liked. Total: 3 Bar Method, and maybe 2 Nana walks.

Maternity Clothes: Yes, although the bump still isn't quite big enough to fill out the extra material in a lot of maternity tops (this was also a problem for dress shopping this week). Very happy to be back in elastic waisted jeans though.

Movement: More every week! Starting to feel a bit more from the outside but not reliably.
Symptoms: Having a little trouble in the sleep department. According to a fantastic pregnancy app I have (Pregnancy Companion) this is because of a high level of estrogen in my body. Apparently the progesterone in my body will also begin to make me breathe faster. I really like this app because it explains some of the more curious symptoms of pregnancy in real terms versus the standard "your going to be more tired".

What I Miss: Wine. We are celebrating my cousin's wedding this weekend and I am definitely going to be missing partaking in the drinking portion of the fun!

Girl or BoyBoy!

Belly button In or Out: Flat.

Stretch Marks: Nope. 

Cravings: Nothing really. Still have aversions to chicken breast (if it is pulled or sliced I'm ok, but just a piece on a plate is not an option).

Best Moment This Week: Getting back to St. Louis with my rockstar flying companion, Noah. Seriously, he is a pro and made traveling at 6 months pregnant easy breezy.

I have a feeling you are going to see a lot of repeat outfits until the weather changes! All of my maternity clothes from Noah are summer clothes and I am avoiding buying much of anything new if I can help it.

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