Thursday, August 30, 2012

Some Grown Up Fun

It's interesting (probably only to me) to watch this blog's progression...first, a weekly recap of the incredibly full, fun, and decadent life Scott and I were leading, then we had a baby and it became ALL about Noah, and now it seems to be coming into a bit of balance. While Noah is still, obviously, the focus of the blog and our lives, Scott and I seem to be carrying on a life outside of Noah as well. Of course, Noah is usually with us every step of the way, but it looks a bit like that former life we used to know! 

This past week Noah was actually not along side us, though. Scott and I embarked on our first vacation (or even overnight) alone since the peanut was born. My mom flew out to stand in for mom and dad while we gallivanted around wine country. We could not be more thankful for her being here as it allowed both of us to truly relax knowing the Noah was in the best possible hands (seriously, he probably got more attention than when we are home!).

Day 1 away was chock full of wine tasting. Seriously, I don't know how we even got out of bed the next day...there was a lot of whining.
When we checked into our amazing hotel we were told we had been upgraded to a suite. I am 99% sure that this has NEVER happened to me before. It was divine.
That night we went to The Girl & the Fig for dinner. And took pictures of each other across the table...just like old times!
I sure do love him.

The initial reason behind our weekend getaway was Pam & Jeremy's wedding. Lucky for us, it just so happened to fall on the weekend before our anniversary so we got a two for one deal! ANYWAY, after dinner, we decided more drinking seemed reasonable so we met up with these lovely ladies (and their dates).
And the next day, to avoid a certain death, we camped by the pool and nursed our hangovers so we could rally for...
The wedding! Seriously, amazing. It was unbelievable...not a detail left untended.
Thank, Crick, for supplying my wedding fashion this season!
I mean, seriously?! Could this place be more beautiful?!
I will leave you to create your own caption for this photo. Let's just say I miss these characters!
Any more takers on caption ideas?!

Out of order...but a little pre-wedding celebration.

Scott learned about was a good day.
Sunday was spent in pure luxury. Rotating in and out of naps, laying by the pool, and staying at the hotel for dinner. Our hotel reminded us SO much of our honeymoon in Tuscany and we took advantage of the chance to truly relax. 

Monday we were extremely anxious to get home to our boy. I am pretty sure Scott sped the whole way to avoid hearing me whine about how badly I wanted to get him in my arms!

PEANUT!!!!! This is after bath that night...LOOK at that hair. One of these days we'll stop his comb-over :-).
Going away was much needed and so much fun, but coming home from vacation now that we have a son is pretty great, too. As I have blogged about before, Scott and I both want to make sure we always make time for US in order to keep our relationship healthy so we can be the best parents and individuals for our Noah. I can't think of a better way to spend our anniversary was the perfect blend of activities, relaxation, one-on-one time, and time with friends. Only down the time our actual anniversary rolled around on Tuesday we were SPENT! We pretty much said "cheers" and goodnight!

I'll be back with Noah's week 42 update. It will be pretty short since we spent a majority of the week in a wine induced stupor :-).

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