Monday, September 19, 2011


**100 blog bonus points for anyone who knows what those letters mean!

A post on a Monday? I know, things are getting crazy around here. Actually, they were crazy all weekend and as a result I can't peel myself off the couch so blogging seemed like a good activity.

Thursday night my parents pulled into town after driving, yes driving, to California from St. Louis. They took one for the Koon/Retchless team and brought out a few final furniture pieces for Baby R's room as well as a smattering of other items that were too big to ship that needed to make their way west (98% Christmas decorations!).

I always whine about jamming too much into our trips back to St. Louis and beg for down time, however, this weekend I threw just about everything I could come up with at my parents. We did house work, a trip to Napa, Dad's first visit to In & Out, shopping, a walking tour of Stanford, dog walks, birthday parties, Strand Fam visit, and plenty of great eating!

Maybe once Baby R makes his arrival I will get better at taking pictures but this weekend I only managed to get pictures of our visit to Frog's Leap. This was our first event as members and it was tremendous. This winery has figured out customer service and how to throw a party. We stayed for the entire "open house" (yes, we were those people) and soaked up the summer sunshine and heat!

Unfortunately I had to bid adieu to my parents this morning at the airport. It definitely gets harder and harder to have them leave each time. Missouri is just too far away for my liking!

Now it is back to business as usual around here. More DIY projects for Baby R's room and a social schedule that makes me ready for a nap just thinking about it. As a matter of fact, two fuzzy pomeranians look awfully ready for a snuggle so I am going to return to my horizontal position on the couch and watch the Emmy's red carpet!
Enjoying the cool respite of the barn.
Mom and Dad: aka the Road Warriors (and my personal heroes)
The whole fam at Frog's Leap (that is water in my wine glass).
One funny weekend anecdote...we were trying to get a good picture of Scott and I in the barn but were having some trouble with the lighting. At one point she snapped the photo below and declared, "OH, that's a good one" and handed the camera back to me to put away. It's a good thing I decided to sneak a peek before calling it a day!
Might be time for some new contacts (or less wine...nah, new contacts)!
Time's Fun When You're Having Flies!

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Time's Fun When You're Having Flies!

Love that one :-)